Akihiro Fukutani
Akihiro (Aki) Fukutani is an amiable individual who seeks areas of agreement and collaboration, turning problems into forward-looking solutions. As a committed learner and practitioner of organizational learning and systems thinking, he works for a Tokyo-based consultancy that helps organizations grow in organic and sustainable way.
His current interest goes to developing platform and infrastructure to make systems thinking tools and practices more widely available for diverse communities of practitioners.
Aki joined The Society for Organizational Learning in Cambridge, MA, in 2012 where he assisted in the various workshops and gained knowledge and experience of systems works. In prior, he has worked in food business in Japan, market research firm in the UK, and healthcare multinational in the USA. He spent 3 years working with a traditional Japanese Buddhist group as a translator for inter-religious dialogue. He holds BS (Human Science) from Osaka University, MS (Management) from Cass Business School, City University London, and MBA from Hult International Business School, Boston. A native of Osaka, Japan, where he has his parents, a brother and his wife, and an adorable 18-month niece.