Anne R. Kapuscinski
Advisory Board
Anne R. Kapuscinski’s work stresses a systems approach to sustainability challenges, integrating across ecological, social, and economic domains of the problem.
Anne’s prior research has examined the impacts of technologies—from dams and hatcheries to aquaculture and genetic engineering—on fish conservation. Her current research examines how integrated food-energy systems address the food-water-energy nexus in ways that support climate change mitigation and adaptation. Current projects examine integrated food-energy systems on dairy farms; and using microalgae to develop more sustainable feeds for aquaculture, the world’s fastest growing food sector.
Anne participates actively in the science-policy interface, presently as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Union of Concerned Scientists. She also serves on the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Committee on Fisheries Advisory Working Group on Aquatic Genetic Resources and Technologies. Anne has been a scientific advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (under three administrations), U.S. Food and Drug Administration, World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Global Environment Facility, European Union Food Safety Agency, state of Minnesota; and served on four U.S. National Academy of Science committees addressing salmon conservation and risk analysis of genetically modified organisms. She currently serves as inaugural Editor in Chief of Sustainability Transitions, a domain of the online journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. In addition, Anne teaches courses on environment, society and sustainability; and serves as advisor for Dartmouth’s sustainability minor.