Katy Mamen
Katy Mamen is a principal and founder of Water Bear Collaborative, a consultancy that supports leaders to envision and implement system-informed strategies in service of social justice and ecological health. With a primary focus in food & farming, water, and climate, Katy is passionate about fostering collaborative leadership and facilitating the emergence of structures and culture that support powerful change.
Katy previously served as Director of Programs at Ag Innovations, where she managed multi-stakeholder policy roundtables and directed the California Food System Alliance Network. She has an MSc in Holistic Science from Schumacher College and a BSc (Honours) in Physical Geography from McGill University in Montreal. Her perspective is informed by earlier work with traditional agrarian communities in Central and South America, Asia, Europe, and North America, as well as life with her husband and daughter in a farm-based intentional community in Northern California, where she cut her teeth in group process over the past 15 years.