Tanya Davis

Tanya Davis is a philanthropist and author whose life work is to help transform lives through empowerment and a sense of purpose. Along with her family, Tanya established the William & Mary Davis Foundation […]

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Anne Murray Allen

Anne Murray Allen is focused on helping organizations work across sectors and organizations to engage multiple stakeholders. She has deep practice and knowledge in helping  […]

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Jacqueline Cambata

Jacqueline Cambata has held executive positions in the aviation, design and chemical industries over the past thirty years. Most recently, she led the transformation of StarPort Aviation […]

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Roberta Baskin

Roberta Baskin has spent more than 30 years as an awarding-winning investigative reporter with a mission to expose corporate misconduct. Five years ago she shifted her focus to  […]

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Darcy Winslow

Darcy Winslow is the Founding President (2010-2020) and co-founder of the Academy for Systems Change, an organization focused on advancing the field of awareness-based systemic change in order to achieve economic, social, and ecological wellbeing.

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Denise Harrington

Denise Harrington has been a professional communications trainer and coach since 1987. She has provided customized media and presentation skills development  […]

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Kindle Loomis

Kindle is the Co-Director of the Academy. Previously, she worked in food systems as Program Director for a social-profit (non-profit) focused on food education and access. With a background in Natural Resource Planning  […]

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Sara Heppner-Waldston

Sara Heppner’s passion for creative communication comes from a lifetime of formal artistic  […]

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Wilford Welch

Wilford Welch has been exploring the driving forces impacting our world for more than five decades as a U.S. diplomat in Asia; as an economic development and business consultant  […]

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Thomas Sullivan

Thomas Sullivan has spent 25 years as a consultant, facilitator, coach and lecturer on designing, leading and implementing personal and organization change efforts  […]

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