Joseph McIntyre

Joseph first ran into systems thinking as an undergraduate where he studied the seminal “Limits to Growth” as well as the systems philosophy […]

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Ken Leinbach

Ken Leinbach is a nationally recognized educator and leader in community-based environmental education.  Starting from a single trailer in a high-crime city park, […]

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Joe Hsueh

Joe Hsueh is a change enabler, university lecturer and researcher in system dynamics, learning organization and large-scale systemic change.  He is passionate about  […]

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Charles Holmes

Charles Holmes is a skilled facilitator and educator whose 20 years of experience have honed a passion for creating meaningful dialogue among groups  […]

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Robert Hanig

Robert Hanig is a founding member of the Academy for Systems Change, a founding member of the Society for Organizational Learning (,  […]

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Hal Hamilton

Hal Hamilton founded and is now a senior advisor to the Sustainable Food Lab. He has supported sustainability strategy for many food businesses, helps design and manage  […]

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Christian Liñán-Rivera

Christian has a marine biologist bachelor degree with a Masters degree in natural resources sustainable management. He has experience in phylogeny, genetics,  […]

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Beth Hunter

Beth Hunter is Program Director at the McConnell Foundation, where she has worked since 2010, focusing primarily on the Sustainable Food Systems initiative

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Beth Heller

Beth Fetterley Heller, Senior Director of Education and Strategic Planning at the Urban Ecology Center has dedicated her career in education to the growth  […]

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Armando Estrada

Armando Estrada is co-founder and current Executive Director of Via Educación, an organization based in Mexico that seeks to generate opportunities for  […]

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