Robert Hanig

Robert Hanig


Massachusetts, USA

Robert Hanig is a founding member of the Academy for Systems Change, a founding member of the Society for Organizational Learning (, and the founder of RLH Consulting. He was formerly a Vice President at Arthur D. Little (ADL), where he led the Global Leadership Practice. At ADL, Robert directed both the companies’ public training offerings and in-house programs for clients focused on Leadership Development and Large System Change.

Mr. Hanig has written various articles as well as contributed case studies for books such as The Dance of Change. His article in the June, 2005 issue of Harvard Business Review describes his key contribution to First Level Leaders, a global leadership and change initiative at BP.  He has consulted with companies throughout North America, Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East in areas including leadership, organizational learning and change, collective impact and innovation.